Sunday, 25 January 2015

Red Elephants Of Tsavo

Elephant Trunk

An elephant’s trunk is not only long; it is packed with five times more smell receptors than humans. Research has found that  African elephants have the greatest sense of smell among mammals. This is the Elephants nose; they have an amazing sense of smell. However the trunk is much more than just a nose it contains about 100,000 different muscles units but six major muscle groups, it can grow to 2 meters long and weighs up to 140 kgs. This long nose is used not only for smelling, but also to breathe with, siphoning water to allow them to squirt it into their mouth to drink, dushing themselves, and exploring things with. Also, a very important function is eating with it, they can pull down branches with them but also very delicate movements like picking a berry. They also use them to great and touch each other. It is like a human hand they even have two fingerlike features on the end of their trunk that they can use to grab small items. Elephants also use their trunks to help lift or nudge babies over an obstacle or rescue an elephant stuck in the mud

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