Monday, 7 November 2016


                                     Lappet faced Vulture
Extremely efficient in locating dead animals by mastering the art of soaring to great heights from where they can spot carrion – unmatched  ability to fly and glide through the air for  long periods  of time without losing altitude comes from having large  wings  area in relation to body size, combined  with skilful understanding of their environment to detect rising air  currents this make them proficient at travelling long distances effortless in search of food .
                                 Ruppell's Griffon Vulture
Vultures needs to be heavy and larger to soar at great speeds, hence they have to feed  huge amount of carrion(upto 20% of their body weight) quickly to take back to their chicks. Added advantage of their size helps in defending themselves and their food against Hyenas and Jackals, also allows them to store fat and go longer periods between meals
                                  Vultures feeding on a carcasses
Bare skin on their heads and necks helps them keep clean, despite sticking their heads into rotting carcasses, their bills are sharp and powerful to tear through meat and sometimes through rawhide, feet are weak, they are designed for walking  rather than grasping ,More importantly this bare skin help them radiate heat in hot conditions thus avoiding heat stress, Vultures are not very good at spreading diseases, their stomachs are highly acidic Ph = 1.0
                                           Hooded Vulture
Also they don’t groom each other so it’s unlikely to transfer germs
Head and bill colour, flight pattern, underside of wing, ventral body and general body shape   are useful in identification,

They nest singly or in loose groups in trees or cliffs