Arabuko-SokokeForest Reserve is the largest stretch of coastal dry forest, the ecosystem comprises three forest types, mixed forest, Brachystegia Woodland, and Cynometra, each containing different rare species of Birds, Mammals, Butterflies, and Plants. There are 270 birds, 261 butterflies, 79 amphibians, 52 mammals, and 600 plant species. The Clarke's Weaver is an endemic bird that breeds in the forest, other unique and rare birds are; Sokoke Scops Owl, Sokoke Pipit, East-coast Akalat, Amani Sunbird, and Spotted Ground Thrush, Three mammals that are endemic species: - Aders Duiker, Sokoke Bush Tailed Mongoose, and Golden rumped Elephant Shrew. Situated 110km North of Mombasa
Golden rumped Elephant Shrew
Brachystegia Forest
Mombasa Train
Cynometra Habitat-preferred habitat for the Sokoke Scops Owl
Land Crab
Well marked Nature Trails
Leaf Litter
Brachystegia Forest
Inside the Forest
Brachystegia Woodland
Elephant droppings
There are various accommodation facilities in Watamu from Budget to luxury, other areas worth visiting in the vicinity are; Gede Ruins, Mida Creek, Sabaki Estuary, Bio Ken Snake Farm, Kipepeo Butterfly House. The Warm climate makes it ideal for a visit any time of the Year. Travel is by Road or Air